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English at Work – Episode 59 : The show must go on

English at Work Episode 59 : The show must go on

English at Work – Episode 59 : The show must go on


Transcript of the podcast

Narrator: Welcome back to English at Work. It’s an exciting day for Tip Top Trading. It’s launching its latest product – the plastic aubergine. The launch is taking place at a swanky hotel; lots of clients have turned up – but there’s one important person missing

?Denise: (whispering) Has anyone seen Anna

.Paul: I haven’t seen her all morning. Tom, you were with her last

.Tom: That was last night at the pub. She was drowning her sorrows

?Denise: Drowning her sorrows

Tom: Yeah. She saw Dave from IT with another woman – Julie from accounts, actually. She was very upset

.Denise: Oh poor Anna

Paul: So you left her drowning in the pub? And who’s got the prototype aubergine to show at the launch

?Tom: Oh no! Anna has. It’s in her bag. What are we going to do

!Denise: Panic

Paul: No Denise. Calm down. I’ll just have to make a start and I’m sure Anna will turn up. OK, here goes. (Clears throat) Excuse me everyone, could you all gather round? Our presentation is about to begin

.Tom: I’ll change the slides for you on the computer Paul. I’m good with technology

Paul: Okey dokey. (Stumbling over words) Ermm…ladies and gentlemen, thank you for coming to our presentation. We have something very exciting to…ermm…show you and it’s not a fruit…ha ha

(Door opens)

!Anna: ….and here it is – fresh from the factory – our plastic aubergine

(Polite applause)

.Narrator: Anna, you’re just in time

.Anna: I know. I think I drank a bit too much last night and now I can’t remember what to say

Narrator: Well, you need to convince everyone that this is best product on the market and that it’s something they really want. You could say “We believe this high quality product is something your business needs” – and, “Our new product has been designed to the highest specifications” – and tell people that “This product is the perfect decoration on any café or restaurant table” – tell them that, and the orders will come flying in

?Anna: What? They’ll send them by aeroplane

.Narrator: No Anna! Just do your presentation and see what happens

Anna: OK then. (To the audience) Yes everyone, this aubergine may look good enough to eat but it is made of the highest quality plastic and I’m convinced it’s something your business needs

!Paul: Err yes, that’s right. It may be plastic but it is… fantastic

Anna: Thank you Paul. This product has been designed to the highest specifications. It’s tough and durable

?Client: Yeah but why would I want to buy it

!Tom: ‘Cos it’s cheap mate

Anna: No Tom. It’s because it is the perfect decoration on any café or restaurant table. It shows you’re serious about food

.Paul: And it doesn’t go mouldy

…Anna: Yes. We’re taking orders today and… and

?Narrator: And? And what, Anna

.Anna: I don’t know what to say next

.Narrator: Offer them a discount and a guarantee

Anna: Oh right. If you place an order for more than 1,000, we can offer you a generous discount. Plus, all our products come with a money-back guarantee

!Client: I like it

Narrator: Well done Anna. She gave a clear presentation, and sounded enthusiastic about the product. Here’s a reminder of some of the things she said

.It is made of the highest quality plastic and I’m convinced it’s something your business needs .This product has been designed to the highest specifications. It’s tough and durable .It is the perfect decoration on any café or restaurant table .We can offer you a generous discount. Plus, all our products come with a money-back guarantee

Anna: Thanks for listening. Tom has a few slides to show, which illustrate how the aubergine has been designed. Tom… Tom

.Tom: (whispering) Oh no, it’s frozen, the slides won’t change

.Dave: (From back of room) It’s OK, I can fix it, I am the IT guy after all

.Tom: Dave? What are you doing here? Cheating on Anna like that. Here Anna, give me that aubergine

!Anna: Tom, no

.Tom: (Throwing the aubergine) There, that’s for upsetting Anna

(Window smashes)

!Dave: Ha ha – missed me

.Denise: Ha! Well the aubergine’s certainly tough and durable

.Paul: Tom, Anna, I think we’d better talk about this back in my office

Narrator: Crikey! That was certainly a spectacular presentation. Let’s hope Tom’s outburst doesn’t stop the orders flying in – but not via the window! Find out next time on English at Work. Bye