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English at Work – Episode 16 : Slimy Limey

English at Work Episode 16 : Slimy Limey

English at Work – Episode 16 : Slimy Limey


Transcript of the podcast

Narrator: Hello! You’re joining us again after Anna’s call from Mr Lime – he asked her to lunch, remember. Now Anna and Denise are flapping

Denise: …and before you know it, he’ll be asking you to marry him! Trust me Anna, this has happened to me dozens of times

Anna: But I thought he was only interested in the lemons! Please promise me you won’t mention this to anyone

.Denise: OK, I promise

!Anna: Oh, shhhh

?Tom: Good morning. What’s going on

!Denise: Mr Lime has asked Anna to lunch

…Anna: Please

?Tom: And

Denise: And it’s not to talk business! I saw him looking at her with big eyes, from the moment he first saw her

!Anna: Denise

!Tom: Old Slimy Limey eh? Lucky Anna

…Anna: He’s not slimy, it’s just

?!Tom: Don’t tell me you said yes

.Anna: Well I didn’t know what to say

?Tom: You didn’t

Anna: No, no, I said I was busy and would call back. I wanted to just say no, but with everyone complaining that I’m not polite on the phone… I just… I didn’t know how to say it politely

.Tom: Ha ha, I’ll tell you what to say

?Anna: Hang on, let me write it down… why do all the pens keep disappearing

.Denise: Here’s one

.Anna: Thanks. Okay, I’m listening Tom

Tom: Say: go…

…Anna: (writing) go

.Tom: …away… Slimy Limey

?Anna: Go away Slimy Limey. Are you sure

!Tom: Of course

:Denise: Don’t listen to him Anna. This is what you say

.Thank you for your offer. But I’m really sorry, I won’t be able to Then explain why, say I’m afraid… blah blah blah

?Anna: Blah blah blah

.Denise: Say it’s against company policy to have non-business lunches with clients

?Anna: Meaning

:Denise: You’re not allowed to if it’s not for business. Then say

.It wouldn’t be appropriate. So, with regret, I’m going to have to say no

.Anna: Okay, I think I’ve got that all down. Thanks. He’ll be waiting for my call (dials phone)

.Mr Lime: Hello, Seb Lime speaking

.Anna: Hello Mr Lime

?Mr Lime: Anna! Please, call me Seb. So, when can I invite you to lunch

…Denise: (whispering loudly) Thank you for your offer

.Anna: Well, thank you for your offer. But I’m really sorry, I won’t be able to

?Mr Lime: Oh

…Denise: (whispering loudly) I’m afraid

.Anna: I’m afraid it’s against company policy to have non-business lunches with people

!Mr Lime: Really? Oh how tedious

-Denise: (whispering loudly) It wouldn’t be

!Anna: Shhh

?Mr Lime: Pardon

!Anna: No, not shhh you Mr Slimy I meant shhhh Denise

?Mr Lime: Mr Slimy

Anna: Oh no! I mean Mr Limey – Lime – er Seb! You see, it wouldn’t be appropriate. So, with regret, I’m going to have to say no

.Mr Lime: I think I’ve understood. Goodbye Anna

.Anna: Goodbye

Narrator: Oh dear, he didn’t take that too well. But, apart from a little mistake, Anna did well there. Here are the phrases she used to politely refuse the offer of lunch

.Thank you for your offer. But I’m really sorry, I won’t be able to …I’m afraid it is against company policy .It wouldn’t be appropriate .With regret, I’m going to have to say no

!Good job Anna, bad luck Mr Slimy