درس پانزدهم : زلزله قوی در هائیتی

به گزارش گوش دهید
UN officials said some 250 people worked in the headquarters of the peacekeeping mission which has collapsed. They said the head of the mission was inside the building and remains unaccounted for, but the earthquake struck around 5 oclock in the afternoon, so its not clear how many others were still present
UN troops have surrounded the ruins and are trying to rescue those trapped in the rubble; other United Nations buildings have also been damaged, but details are scarce because of disrupted communications. The peacekeeping force numbers around 11,000 people, including civilian personnel; its located in different parts of the country, and was deployed in 2004 to bring order following an armed insurrection against then president Jean Bertrand Aristide
The blow to the UNs services on the ground may slow relief and rescue efforts for the Haitian people, but its humanitarian department is sending emergency response teams and releasing emergency funds. The Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon has said hes shocked at the scale of the devastation and has made initial contacts to encourage a coordinated international response
Barbara Plett, BBC News, New York
به کلمات گوش دهید
دفاتر اصلی یک سازمان (که در اینجا منظور سازمان ملل متحد است) headquarters
فرو ریخت collapsed
هنوز خبری از آنان در دست نیست remains unaccounted for
آوار rubble
اطلاعات زیادی در دست نیست details are scarce
پرسنل غیر نظامی، کارکنان غیر نظامی civilian personnel
was deployed : استقرار یافت deployed
یک شورش مسلحانه an armed insurrection
در اینجا: اتفاق ناگهانی که موجب صدمه جدی می شود blow
استفاده از بودجه اضطراری را فراهم می آورد releasing emergency funds