درس سیزدهم : احساس تنهایی مسری است
به گزارش گوش دهید
Its a medical paradox. People who feel lonely can spread the emotion to others – much like a virus. After poring over data collected from nearly 5,000 people, the researchers concluded that loneliness is more than just a personal feeling, its an infectious mental condition. This was a statistical rather than medical study, so it doesnt explain how the contagion happens. But what it did find was that the friends of a person describing themselves as lonely were 52% more likely to become lonely themselves, and that their friends were at an increased risk too, even if they didnt know the lonely person
The studys authors suggest this may be down to the way lonely people behave. A tendency to be wary or mistrustful of others can make their loneliness a self-fulfilling prophecy, as it may drive friends away. This much may seem obvious, but the study also hints that this behaviour can rub off on other people, painting a rather bleak picture of lonely people driving each other into ever greater isolation. Its advice to the lonely – surround yourself with a network of friends, as long as theyre not lonely too
Jack Izzard, BBC News
به کلمات گوش دهید
ضد و نقیض، عجیب، تعارض paradox
بررسی دقیق اطلاعات poring over data
در اینجا: یک حالت روانی مسری an infectious mental condition
با خطر فزاینده (احساس تنهایی کردن) روبرو هستند at an increased risk
در اینجا: به دلیل…….. down to
بیمناک بودن و احساس بی اعتمادی به …..( دیگران) a tendency to be wary or mistrustful of
یک پیش بینی تحقق یافتنی است a self-fulfilling prophecy
دوستان شخص را از وی دور می کند drive friends away
در اینجا: تاثیر گذاشتن بر روی …….( سایر مردم) rub off on
تصویر نسبتا نومید کننده ای را ترسیم می کند painting a rather bleak picture